The 2023 Manifesto
Polarised! A contradictory but sustainable ecommerce!
Our market is polarised in two different ways, and the good news is... it is good news.
After two extraordinary years for e-commerce, the market must now adapt in an increasingly uncertain and complex world where agility must be even more central to our organisations. Ecommerce is polarised in the sense of being non-linear and contradictory, which is a huge asset.
It is also more concentrated than ever. It's obvious, the customer must come first, collaboration must be the preferred means above all others, and CSR is a prerequisite. It's not just talk anymore. The market is polarised because it is experiencing a global and focus movement for a responsible ecommerce.
Omni-channel and contradictory injunctions:
The world in general, and our businesses and customers in particular, are becoming increasingly protean.
Where a few years ago audiences were concentrated on big players, marketplaces (supported by the acceleration of the digital transformation linked to COVID) have allowed players of all types and sizes to make a place for themselves on the market. DNVBs have been a major contributor to this effect and show that creating a profitable business is possible with the right "plumbing" and an engaged community. Today, the retail / e-commerce market is both fragmented by channels and offerings, and unified by tools.
This new omnichannel geography is complex and can sometimes tug at the market, polarise it... but when put to use in the service of an efficient and seamless customer journey, it stimulates innovation and creates opportunities!
Of course, there are also the current health, geopolitical, economic and energy crises, which generate so many of these famous contradictory injunctions. Today, each individual is acutely aware of his or her consumption, which is both more reasonable and more irrational. Reasonable because it is measured, weighed and thought out (for ecological and economic reasons) and irrational because pleasure is no longer a dirty word: we want to consume well, to enjoy beautiful and good products, to pass on ideas and to share... we respect our budget and our convictions, but we want to feel and enjoy. Consuming is precious, in the literal sense of the word!
Understand and accept:
For the past 12 years, One to One Retail E-commerce has been the place and the time to answer your immediate needs (your business) and anticipate your future problems (your strategies). For this edition, we want to "scratch the surface", to identify the reasons for the polarisation of the market in order to understand all its business facets and CSR issues. In 2023, what we propose is that we accept our contradictions and focus on what we are already doing well, let's be Polorised!
*FEVAD 2012 et 2022 figures ** Opinionway 2020 study
The 2023 speakers

Opening Conference
- FEVAD Barometer : e-retailers' mood
- Le Before report: How innovation and talents shortage are challenging the e-commerce sector: challenges and opportunites for businesses

Closing Conference





Axel Allétru

Marc Ménasé
The 2023 pictures
Relive the highlights of previous editions in pictures and discover all the content of One to One Retail E-commerce.